403(b) Account Management

Teachers in the state’s Teachers Retirement System are availed of a 403(b) plan for retirement savings. High Peaks Asset Management has relationships with many school districts, providers and third party administrations throughout New York State and has been servicing teachers for more than 40 years. We specialize in knowing the ins and outs of the Teacher’s Retirement System and how a 403(b) plan can compliment a TRS Pension and Social Security to provide a great retirement for our clients. We find that often teachers are unaware of who their current 403(b) advisor is, if they even have one. Often these teachers are paying the same fee structure as those to whom we provide our valuable service. At High Peaks Asset Management, we have a deep depth of knowledge of the Teacher’s Retirement system. We use 403(b) plan management and our vast investment experience to provide exceptional service to our clients.